Find below some answers for your kitesurfing, winging and hydrofoiling questions. If you have further questions, don’t hesitate in getting in contact.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Hydrofoiling?
Hydro Foiling is a lifting surface. You can attach a foil to a Surf Board or a specific Kite Surf Board, either powered by the wave or wind to get the momentum to move forward and get up on the Foil.
How do we teach Hydrofoiling?
We start by taking you behind the boat to get the feel of the board under your feet, and then we coach you use weight transfer to lift the board up above the water, which is a fantastic sensation. Then you can choose whether you would like to wing foil, Kite Surf with your Foil or take it to the ocean and catch waves, much like regular surfing. Safety is paramount to us and we help you gain confidence. Prone foiling is also very popular and here you will paddle onto the waves and pop up to glide the board along the wave much like surfing. If you are really good like Kai Lenny we can teach you to flip upside down with straps on your board. Yah!
What is wing foiling?
Wing foiling or wing surfing or winging is a wind propelled water sport that developed from kitesurfing, windsurfing and surfing. The sailor, standing on a board, holds directly onto a wing. It generates both upward force and sideways propulsion and this moves the board across the water.
Is Kitesurfing difficult?
Kitesurfing is actually a very easy sport. The average student is usually trying their first waterstart on the board after about 4-5 hours of instruction, if not sooner. Most students who take up the sport can ride comfortably both ways, and upwind, after a total of 10-15 hours of time on the water. If you have had experience windsurfing or sailing and an understanding of the wind this will help. If you have wakeboarded or snowboarded these also help.
How many lessons will I need?
We find that most students feel comfortable and independent after about 6-8 hours of lessons. Some people need less, some people need more, it’s entirely dependent upon each student and their abilities. We encourage students to get out on the water and practice with their own gear as soon as possible. Earth Kitesurfing school are down at Lennox Beach almost every windy afternoon, and we encourage our previous and current students to practice where we can keep a watchful eye on them.
What type of board could I ride?
There are two main styles of boards that we ride! The twin tip allows the rider to stay on their heel edge going in both directions. This is very similar to snowboarding when learning to go down the mountain. Learning on the twin tip means the control bar is always in front of you.
The surfboard with straps is a directional board, which most surfers feel more comfortable on. However in one direction you will be riding heel edge then you have to transfer to your toe edge and have the kite pulling across your body!
Do you have to be strong?
No, you don’t need to be strong at all. All of the power of the kite is taken through your harness, and you only use your arms to control the kite, much like a paraglider or skydiver controls a parachute.
What time are the lessons?
The winds are usually only suitable for kitesurfing in the afternoon. Most of the time our lessons start around 2pm or 4pm, depending on the weather. Sometimes it can be as early as 11am or 12pm. When you book your lesson in our team will advise you on which times are available, and contact you if need be to change the lesson depending on what the weather forecast says.
Foiling lessons can start at dawn and is often the best time to be on the water, we will take you when ever you are keen and depending on our availability so please get in touch!
Is the ocean a safe place to learn?
Yes, When you are learning how to kite, the most important thing is that you have consistent wind and lots of space and the launching/landing area is away from trees, houses and power lines. We start our lessons with flying on the beach and then aim go into the water close to shore not past the breaking waves, we also use a few spots in the Ballina river and have bluetooth helmet 2way radio to communicate with you.
What should I bring to the lesson?
Wetsuit, rashvest, sun protection, board shorts or swimsuit, sunglasses (preferably with a floating strap), towel, change of clothes, water and snacks.
If you don’t have a wetsuit or rashvest or wetsuit, just let us know and we’ll organise it for you.
We supply ALL KITESURFING EQUIPMENT (unless you are doing the Advanced Refresher Lesson).